“Development of a Corpus for User-based Scientific Question Answering”
Miguel Ângelo Conde Vieira
22 de julho | 15:00h.
“Development of a Corpus for User-based Scientific Question Answering”
Miguel Ângelo Conde Vieira
22 de julho | 15:00h.
The LasigeBioTM team composed by Pedro Ruas, Vitor D. T. Andrade, and Francisco M. Couto achieved 2nd place at the Subtrack A of the ProfNER shared-task, which occurred in the context of the Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) ’21 Shared Task. Subtrack A was a tweet binary classification task, where the goal was to classify Spanish covid-19-related tweets according to the presence of entity mentions associated with professions, working statutes, and other work-related activities. The system developed by LasigeBioTM achieved an F1-score of 0.92, which was close to the result achieved by the top-performer system (0.93), and achieved the highest precision, 0.95. The complete results are available in the task overview paper.
The paper describing the developed system “Lasige-BioTM at ProfNER: BiLSTM-CRF and contextual Spanish embeddings for Named Entity Recognition and Tweet Binary Classification” is included in the Proceedings of the Sixth SMM4H Workshop and Shared Tasks, and it is available here.
Pedro Ruas will present the poster “Lasige-BioTM at ProfNER: BiLSTM-CRF and contextual Spanish embeddings for Named Entity Recognition and Tweet Binary Classification” (co-authors Vitor D. T. Andrade, Francisco M. Couto) at the 6th Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop (June 10th, 17:30-18:15 GMT), co-located at the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2021).
BioASQ Task 9b: Test Results of Phase B
Test batch 2 Exact Answers
Our system LASIGE_ULISBOA achieved 1st place:
BioASQ Participants Area
Task 9b: Test Results of Phase B
Test batch 2
Exact Answers
In April 12, F. Couto presented the tutorial Exploring Biomedical Web Resources using Shell Scripting at the 30th The Web Conference (WWW ’21)
Screenshot of Tutorial at 30th The Web Conference (WWW ’21)
Presentation of the paper “Deep Semantic Entity Linking” in ECIR 2021 Doctoral Consortium by Pedro Ruas. Slides
Presentation of the Doctoral Consortium paper Deep Learning System for Biomedical Relation Extraction Combining External Sources of Knowledge by Diana Sousa.
In March 27, F. Couto presented the tutorial Biomedical Text Processing using Semantics at the 43rd European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2021)
Hybrid semantic recommender system for chemical compounds in large-scale datasets by Marcia Barros, Andre Moitinho & Francisco M. Couto in Journal of Cheminformatics.
Márcia Barros, Pedro Ruas, Diana Sousa, and Francisco M. Couto
participated in the Biomedical Linked Annotation Hackathon 7
with the project entitled: Annotating a multilingual COVID-19-related corpus