Article: lasigeBioTM at BioCreative VII Track 1: Text mining drug and chemical-protein interactions using biomedical ontologies

lasigeBioTM at BioCreative VII Track 1: Text mining drug and chemical-protein interactions using biomedical ontologies Sousa et al. Proceedings of the BioCreative VII Challenge Evaluation Workshop, 94

IberHeLT 2021 workshop at SEPLN2021

Francisco Couto (LASIGE integrated member), Jocelyn Dunstan (University of Chile) and Martin Krallinger (Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)) were the organizers of Iberian Health and Food Language Technologies Workshop (IberHeLT 2021) held in conjunction with the XXXVII International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN2021) in September, 21 of 2021.

More information about the workshop: