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Workshop at FCT/UNL
The Cell and Mollecular Biology Nucleus of FCT/UNL organized a BioInformatics Workshop lead by Francisco Couto.
Workshop at University of Coimbra
Francisco Couto is organizing the workshop about data and text processing using command line at the 5th Ecology Meeting (meet.Eco Coimbra) on November 23.
On this workshop the participants will have the opportunity to learn a set of capabilities to retrieve data from any web resource, extract pointers and retrieve additional information from other resources, such as related text.
The 5th meet.Eco will take place on November 23 and 24, at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra. Check the event page for more information.
7th DeST Project Meeting
Informal presentations of the most recent submitted works by Andre Lamurias, Marcia Barros, Diana Sousa, and Pedro Ruas and a coffee break in the end.
When: October 31, 2:00pm – 4:00pm Where: 6.3.26
Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre
Livro: Introdução à Bioinformática Via Linha de Comando
Paper: FunVar: A Systematic Pipeline to Unravel the Convergence Patterns of Genetic Variants in ASD, a Paradigmatic Complex Disease
FunVar: A Systematic Pipeline to Unravel the Convergence Patterns of Genetic Variants in ASD, a Paradigmatic Complex Disease
by Muhammad Asif, Astrid M.Vicente and Francisco M.Couto
Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Thesis: Exploring Biomedical Ontologies, Personalized PageRank and Semantic Similarity in the Entity Linking task
Title: Exploring Biomedical Ontologies, Personalized PageRank and Semantic Similarity in the Entity Linking task
Who: Pedro Ruas
When: July 26, 2019, 2.30pm
Where: FCUL room 2.2.24
Workshop at University of Algarve
Francisco Couto organized a workshop about data and text processing using command line at the Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal on July 11-12.
Thesis: Information Retrieval using Machine Learning for Database Curation
Title: Information Retrieval using Machine Learning for Database Curation
Who: Sofia Jesus
When: July 24, 2019, 9am
Where: FCUL room 2.2.24